Tuesday, May 13, 2008

You Look Sharp, But Who's That With You

Lavern Cuneo, my main angel & lefthandman, has just turned
a noble 80. Who would believe it, looking at this crumpled &
hand-colored photo, of him at 8 or so, next to his own uncle,
a workworn Antone Costa, and surrounded by squirrely white
goats. They're standing against the old rock wall behind Rosie's
cottage, which is where he grew up.

Keen fencefixer, cowherd, & gentle wrangler of feral cats, Vern
shows up every morning to make sure I know what I'm doing.
When we're through convening he says, "Well - I don't know
nothing else." And I say "Nope, neither do I." Spry as a calf &
sharp as a new tack. Just don't ask him about the keys locked
in the running truck, he's still sorting that out.

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